Dr. Keith's Own Super C
Dr. Keith's Own Super C
Dr. Keith's Own Super C
Dr. Keith's Own Super C
Dr. Keith's Own Super C
Dr. Keith's Own Super C
Dr. Keith's Own Super C
Dr. Keith's Own Super C
Dr. Keith's Own Super C
Dr. Keith's Own Super C
Dr. Keith's Own Super C
Dr. Keith's Own Super C
Dr. Keith's Own Super C
Dr. Keith's Own Super C

Dr. Keith's Own Super C

$49.95 Sale Save

There’s no other vitamin C supplement on the market like Dr Keith’s Own Super C:

  • This is a highly absorbable and concentrated form of Vitamin C, with important additional bio-active compounds.

  • Dr. Keith's Own Super C does not create stomach upset when taken in high doses unlike most vitamin C.

  • It’s a pleasant, well-tolerated, tasteless, therapeutic, high potency supplement.

  • It easily dissolves in water, and the best part is, you can take as much as you like without the digestive issues.

Dr. Keith’s Own® Super C formula is a unique bio-active Vitamin C enhanced with Aloe for increased bio-availability and superior absorption.

  • This is a gentle but powerful vitamin C formula, created by one of the world’s leading holistic MDs with over 40 years clinical experience. It is well-tolerated and pleasant tasting yet delivers all the health benefits of vitamin C… and some!
  • Experience the ultimate rejuvenation with this potent crystalline form of vitamin C, complete with several other powerful, bio-active compounds. This easy-taste formula boosts energy, improves anti-oxidant status, is anti-inflammatory, good for your arteries and will make your brain sing! Hey, it also cuts down fermentation in the upper gut (Candida and yeasts).
  • All our batches are lab tested for purity. Dr, Keith's Own Super C is full of powerful bio-active compounds. This energizing supplement might help boost your heart metabolism, offer antioxidant support while giving you an extra energy kick to keep you at peak performance. Get ready for clarity, vibrancy and ongoing vitality - all in a single formula
  • All Natural Formula - Enhance your nutrition with our natural, non-GMO vitamin C immune support powder – super easy to dissolve and totally tasteless. Get the added health benefits without any of the unpleasentries

About Dr. Keith

A highly respectable name associated with the best-researched data in holistic medicine for over 40 years. He saw certain gaps in the holistic health market, so he made the fateful decision to manufacture and supply his own products. Starting with simple but very delicious meal replacements, and expanding outwards through a wide range of supplements that he personally would like to see made available.

Don't settle for subpar supplements!

  • Improves immune system and allergies
  • Improves bruising and bleeding gums
  • Improves leaky-gut
  • Improves skin and hair
  • Lowers body fat
  • Lowers blood sugar
  • Lowers risk of heart disease and high blood pressure
  • Improves joint health and decreases pain
  • Lowers stress
  • Improves longevity
  • Slows growth of cancer
  • Strengthens bones and teeth
  • Antioxidants
  • Immune Support
  • Mitochondria Support
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